Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Gather ye rosebuds

GATHER ye rosebuds while ye may, 
  Old Time is still a-flying

Perhaps this is a gloomy poetic selection considering the excitement of the day, but it is true.....time moves swiftly and if one looks away too often, you miss a great deal. 
Then again maybe this is more appropriate:

“You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself any direction you choose. You're on your own. And you know what you know. And YOU are the one who'll decide where to go...”

It's hard to believe but our little man began another new chapter in his life today......SCHOOL.

James attended his first day of Readiness (PreK in the US or P1 in Northern Ireland) at Shore Country Day School. According to his teacher (Mrs. White) he had a wonderful day. Her comments were consistent with James' behavior at he was in bed and asleep by 6:30 giving me time to update this badly out of date blog. I am not sure who was more excited about going to "Mommy's school" - James or me. Throughout the day my mind wandered in his direction and I had to force myself to let go, and not go off sneaking around corners or cowering behind doors in an effort to see what he was doing. Thankfully Mrs. White carefully documents each day with pictures and  a narrative describing all that the kids experience, and though I am not his music teacher I look forward to accompanying his musical performances over the next couple of months.  Again I'll say....that we are blessed that Shore is a part of our lives, both professionally and personally! Over the coming weeks I'll try to post small anecdotes and pictures to help paint a clearer picture of what James is doing.

Of course though today was extra special for James, Lilith also started "school". She is in the toddler classroom at Early Discoveries, and seems to be growing up much faster than I am willing to admit. But, the reality is that these past two years have flown by, and our little girl is not only walking but running, not only talking but engaging in conversations (and arguments) and not only showing signs of independence but demanding certain outfits or hair accessories. No doubt the innocent bloom of infancy is gone from our kids, but we are looking forward to the next chapter in our 
little seedlings lives.

Orientation and Day One - Shore Country Day School
(Physical Education class with Mr. Lund)

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